Automated STRuctural Optimization System (ASTROS)
The Automated STRuctural Optimization System (ASTROS) is used in the preliminary structural design or modification of aircraft and spacecraft. It combines optimization algorithms with finite element analysis methods to create a practical structural design tool to meet future performance requirements with the payoff in least weight and/or cost. ASTROS has an executive system and a scientific database structure supported by six technical (engineering) modules. With the increasing use of composite materials, the potential to tailor these materials to provide requisite strenght and stiffness at minimal weight can best be realized through the assistance of an automated computer procedure. ASTROS has the ability to simultaneously consider a range of flight conditions and disciplines which represents a major improvement over previous systems that either consider these conditions sequentially or are imcomplete in the desciplines they provide. It significantly reduces the time required to develop a design, leads to improved designs, and through a single, unified procedure, enables improved communication among design team members.
Joe Platnick
VP, Marketing